March 1 marked the start of Engineering and Geoscience Month, which comes at a time of significant and positive change for the engineering and geoscience community in the Northwest Territories, with big developments that will shape the future of the profession. Read on for more in your Winter Executive Update.


PEGASTA Comes into Effect

The Practice of Engineering, Geoscience and Applied Science Technology Act (PEGASTA) officially came into effect on March 1, 2025. This new Act will modernize regulatory governance in the Northwest Territories, aligning with jurisdictions across Canada. These updates were the result of many years of work led by the Government of the Northwest Territories and NAPEG to ensure the highest levels of professionalism, safety, and accountability in our fields. 

The new Act required significant work by NAPEG to draft new bylaws and policies – work which successfully took place over the last year. Thank you to all who provided thoughtful comments and to the staff and Revision Committee. NAPEG is now prepared to implement these changes and will continue to work on further enhancements under the Act in the coming years.

Key Highlights of the PEGASTA Act:

  • Modernized Governance: New provisions expand voting rights to licensees and enhance the complaints and discipline process, ensuring greater accountability and transparency.
  • Mandatory Professional Development: Updated requirements will ensure professionals stay current with the latest industry standards and best practices in support of greater public safety.
  • Expanded Licensing: NAPEG will introduce Limited Practice Licenses, enabling individuals with eligible foreign credentials or Limited Licenses from other Canadian regulators to have greater career mobility in the NWT. 
  • Inclusion of Technicians and Technologists: This legislation will regulate technologists and technicians. For now, out-of-territory technologists and technicians can continue using their current titles. 

Learn more:


NAPEG Celebrates Engineering and Geoscience Month: Evolving Today, Shaping Tomorrow 

NAPEG is celebrating Engineering and Geoscience Month by spotlighting NAPEG members making an impact, sharing key updates on PEGASTA in collaboration with the Government of Northwest Territories, and hosting exciting events that engage the next generation in a career in engineering and geoscience. 

Keep an eye out for:

  • Spotlights on engineers and geoscientists in the Northwest Territories and Nunavut who are leading the way in their fields
  • Media and social media engagement on the incoming PEGASTA changes 
  • Engagement with other regulators celebrating this important month across the country


NAPEG’s 2025 Professional Development Symposium Registration Opens March 15

NAPEG’s 2025 Professional Development Symposium will take place on May 14-15 at the Explorer Hotel in Yellowknife. Experts will explore “Transportation and Infrastructure” topics and share the latest insights, research and Northern solutions.

Plus, you are invited to join us for the NAPEG and NAPEGG Education Foundation’s AGMs on the evening of May 13th. 

A schedule and speaker spotlights will be coming soon. Registration opens March 15 – stay tuned!


NAPEGG Education Foundation Strategic Plan Update

Work on the 2025-2028 NAPEGG Education Foundation’s first-ever Strategic Plan nears finalization. The Board will finalize the plan in spring 2025. We look forward to sharing the details of the plan with you as we begin to roll out recommendations. Thank you to everyone who took the time to provide feedback via the member survey and to those who participated in the key informant interviews.

NAPEG Election Nominations Closing Soon 

NAPEG’s Nominating Committee is still seeking out Council candidates. The Nominating Committee will advise the Executive Director of the list of current nominees on March 14, 2025. It will be open to general membership until March 24, 2025. 

Elections will be held for the offices of 2nd Vice President and two Councillors. Members in-good-standing may appear on the ballot by having the support and signature of five (5) NAPEG members. Annual dues for 2025 (as applicable under NAPEG Acts and Bylaws) must be paid to run for election, to nominate and to vote during the election. 

We encourage our skilled and experienced NAPEG members to consider running. You can help shape the future of our professions in the North. If you have any questions, please reach out to for more information.

Bridge Building Competition Recap

NAPEG’s annual Bridge Building Competition was hosted on March 1, 2025, which saw 36 teams submit bridge entries from across the Northwest Territories and Nunavut to be tested for strength and design.

Student bridges were put under pressure by using the Obliterator 3000, a mounted car jack with a scale apparatus, until the point of failure. Bridges had to weigh less than 600 grams to enter the competition. The highest weight held on a bridge was an astounding 246 lbs!

Congratulations to all of the prize winners and thank you to every team who submitted their bridge design to NAPEG’s 2025 Bridge Building Competition.


Student Scholarships 

Did you know that students can apply for NAPEGG Education Foundation scholarships throughout the year? Post-secondary students from the Northwest Territories and Nunavut enrolled in full-time undergraduate and graduate engineering and geoscience programs at a recognized university are encouraged to apply to the NAPEGG Education Foundation for scholarships. Applications are due in August 2025. Learn more here

Thanks for reading the Winter 2025 Executive Update!

Vince McCormick, ED and Registrar
Paul Guy, P.Eng., FEC., President