Professional Development
The NAPEG Continuing Professional Development Program (CPD) is flexible and diverse and provides each member with a personalized, organized and consistent approach to development and documentation of a personal professional development program.
The program document outlines how to develop a program that is consistent with your individual Scope of Practice. Your program should be designed to address any required knowledge and skills maintenance, or improvement, as well as acquisition of new abilities that contribute to your personal and professional growth in accordance with your career goals.
The program defines six (6) activity categories and indicates the minimum levels of effort required to meet the program recommendations in each category. These required levels of effort are defined by units referred to as Professional Development Hours (PDH’s). Accumulation of a total of 240 PDH’s is recommended over a three-year period. The professional development activity categories are defined as follows:
- Professional practice;
- Formal activity;
- Informal activity;
- Participation in technical societies or other organizations;
- Presentations of a technical or professional nature; and,
- Contributions to knowledge through technical or professional publications, development of codes and standards or registration of patents.
Continuing Professional Development Detailed Activity Report
You are not required to submit detailed information about your CPD to NAPEG. However, keep this information for three years in case you are audited by NAPEG. You may want to use the Detailed Activity Report (above) to record your information. Use your professional judgement to decide which activities are suitable for reporting. If you already submit an annual CPD Activity Report to another Canadian jurisdiction(s) where the requirement is mandatory, you can indicate this, and name the jurisdiction(s). If selected for an audit, you will be required to submit your activity report.