Good Building Practices (Revision) Workshop

2019 02 13 – GNWT Good Building Practices for Northern Facilities

Good Building Practices (Revision) Workshop

Thursday, February 21 [11:00am – 2:30pm]

Yellowknife Ski Club

Registration: Free

To register, email by February 15.

Lunch is provided.

[3 ConEd hours]

The GNWT plans to publish a completely revised edition of its “Good Building Practices for Northern Communities” handbook before April 2019.  The attached working draft has been provided for stakeholders to review and provide feedback.

NWTAA has invited GNWT to speak about its revisions to the Good Building Practices document, and to gather feedback and input from the building community.  At this “world café” styled workshop, following a brief presentation, attendees will cycle through specific parts of the document in small groups to discuss and generate comments, questions and feedback.  All architects and building professionals are encouraged to participate.

NOTE:  New sections of the handbook include Environmental, Geotechnical, Civil, Hazmat, and Climate Change.  The draft is also in working format:  Formatting and imagery have not been addressed, and figures and cross-references to sections, Codes and standards may appear incorrect. 

Individuals may also provide feedback directly to Richard Cracknell, Design and Technical Services, GNWT Infrastructure, by email at no later than Friday, March 1.