NAPEG award nominations are open. We encourage you to notify your staff of this exciting way to highlight the great work you’re doing and to honour your professional engineering and geoscience members who make up your teams.
Several awards are available annually. Nomination Forms should be submitted to for consideration by the Honours & Awards Committee and Council.
Nominations are to be received by February 28, 2025.
Professional Award of Merit
The Professional Award of Merit is given to recognize and promote excellence in applied engineering and geosciences carried out in the Northwest Territories or Nunavut. (Terms of Reference)
Award for Environmental Excellence
The Award for Environmental Excellence is given to recognize engineers and geoscientists, and concerned persons, who have applied environmental excellence in engineering and geosciences towards preservation of the environment and the practice of sustainable development for work undertaken in the Northwest Territories or Nunavut. (Terms of Reference)
Professional Service Award
The Professional Service Award is for distinctive and outstanding service and/or contribution to the Association by a member over a period of time. (Terms of Reference)
Community Service Award
The Community Service Award is to recognize a member/group that has made a significant contribution to the improvement in the quality of life for the citizens of his/her community. Continuous activity over a period of time is an asset. (Terms of Reference)
Young Achievers Award
The Young Achievers Award is designed to bestow distinction on young outstanding engineers and geoscientists in the Northwest Territories or Nunavut, and to recognize exceptional achievements in their chosen fields in the early years of their professional careers. (Terms of Reference)
Member-in-Training Award
The Member-in-Training Award recognizes achievement by a Member-in-Training. The award is intended to bestow distinction on those training to be engineers or geoscientists who enhance society’s knowledge of our professions. (Terms of Reference)
Life Membership
A member may apply to Council for Life Membership when they meet the requirements set out in the bylaws. They must have practiced in the Northwest Territories and/or Nunavut for more than 25 years. Retired Life Members are not required to pay annual dues.
Distinguished Life Membership
Council in its discretion, by unanimous vote, may confer Distinguished Life Membership in the Association upon any member who has rendered signal service to the Association, and through his/her own initiative and leadership, has rendered eminent service to the engineering or geoscience professions. (Terms of Reference and Nomination Form)
Honorary Member
Council in its discretion, by unanimous vote, may confer Honorary Membership in the Association upon persons who have given eminent service to the profession. (Terms of Reference)
Science Teaching Award
The Science Teaching Award is to recognize teaching initiatives which promote an interest in careers in the sciences. (Nomination Form and Terms of Reference)
Finnigan Award for Northern Research
NAPEG provides financial assistance to researchers working in the northern territories. Applications are accepted until October 29 for the Yukon and NWT and until February 22 for Nunavut. (Application Form and Terms of Reference)