Archive: xfive

  • News from the Executive Director Desk

    January 18, 2017

    News from the Executive Director Desk – January 2017

  • Notice to Architects and Engineers and Builder Community involved in delivering their services for Nunavut based projects

    January 17, 2017

    The Safety Services Division of the Government of Nunavut’s Dept. of Community & Government Services (CGS) would like to pass on the following information to the A&E and Builder Community to keep the community abreast of certain issues that are of concern to all. As you know, the Nunavut Legislature passed in 2012 the “Building Code Act” (BCA). This Act requires that a regulatory system for the regulation of the building sector in Nunavut be brought into existence. As part of the CGS effort to implement this regulatory system, it was identified that a consolidation of the assets of the…

  • News from the Executive Director Desk

    December 14, 2016

    News from the Executive Director Desk – December 2016

  • Polar Knowledge Canada (POLAR) has launched a new competitive funding process

    December 12, 2016

    Polar Knowledge Canada (POLAR) has launched a new competitive funding process for the period of April 1, 2017 to March 31, 2019. The first step in this process is the submission of Letters of Intent (LOI) by January 23, 2017 for projects related to the following grant and contribution programs: 1. Northern Science & Technology Program Includes projects related to the four strategic priorities: 1) Baseline information to prepare for northern sustainability; 2) Predicting the impacts of changing ice, permafrost, and snow on shipping, infrastructure, and communities; 3) Alternative and renewable energy for the North; and 4) Catalysing improved design,…

  • Manditory CPD Activity Reporting

    December 12, 2016

    Reporting of CPD Activities is now mandatory and is done online. You are asked to report 80 PD Hours each year. Fifty (50) PDH’s can be from on-going professional practice (your employment). The other thirty (30) can be gained in a number of ways, including attending conferences, presenting technical reports, taking courses for credit, volunteer activities within your community, and so on. The full list is available within the Continuing Professional Development Program on the NAPEG Website. In addition, you need to use your own judgment in selecting activities that relate to your individual scope of practice and that work…

  • 2017 Engineers Canada Awards

    December 11, 2016

    2017 Engineers Canada Awards Presented annually, the awards honour engineering excellence, outstanding community and professional involvement, contributions to engineering education, support for women in engineering,contributions by engineers and engineering students to Canadian society, remarkable engineering projects or achievements, and engineering journalism. Awards are presented in nine categories: Gold Medal Award For exceptional individual achievement and distinction in a field of engineering. Young Engineer Achievement Award For outstanding contribution in a field of engineering by an engineer 36 years of age or younger as of May 31, 2017. Meritorious Service Award for Professional Service For outstanding contribution to a professional, consulting or…

  • News from the Executive Director Desk

    November 29, 2016

    News from the Executive Director Desk – November 2016

  • News from the Executive Director Desk

    November 18, 2016

    News from the Executive Director Desk – Fall 2016

  • NAPEG Education Foundation Scholarship for Graduate Studies

    November 10, 2016

    "One of the biggest challenges as a graduate student is the uncertainty of funding during the degree.  A master's degree in engineering requires a 2-3 year commitment to research and studies at the university, with the majority of the financial support coming from scholarships.  The NAPEG graduate student scholarship helps me immensely with living expenses, and their support allows me to fully focus on my work and alleviates much of the pressure associated with funding.  Knowing that the Northwest Territories and Nunavut support and encourage graduate degrees in engineering is very motivating and I truly hope that this support encourages…

  • NAPEG President’s Message – Remembrance Day

    November 9, 2016

    On behalf of the NAPEG Council, I would encourage all NAPEG members to take time to observe Remembrance Day 2016. Remembrance Day means different things to each of us. In the larger sense, this special, solemn day is dedicated to paying tribute to our service men and women, particularly those who made the ultimate sacrifice for defending our country so we could enjoy a better world. We honour their service and sacrifice and we will never forget the extraordinary courage of these brave men and women. As each year passes, the number of veterans who served in World War II…