Education Foundation
The NAPEGG Education Foundation is a charitable organization established in 2000 to promote training and education in the fields of engineering and geoscience. Donations (tax-deductible) are welcomed from the membership and the general public. To donate to the foundation please email
Scholarship Opportunities
Post-secondary students from the Northwest Territories and Nunavut enrolled in full-time undergraduate and graduate engineering and geoscience programs at a recognized university are encouraged to apply to the NAPEGG Education Foundation for scholarships. Preference will be given to highly motivated individuals with a strong academic background and demonstrated citizenship and leadership capabilities.
Please note that graduate scholarship applicants MUST be NAPEG Members-In-Training. All other NAPEG members/licensees are NOT eligible to apply.
NAPEGG Education Foundation offers:
- Up to two $7,500 graduate scholarships
- Up to ten $2,000 undergraduate scholarships, including:
- Bob Spence Memorial Scholarship
- Mel Brown Memorial Scholarship
Undergraduate Scholarship Terms of Reference and Application Form
Graduate Studies Scholarship Terms of Reference and Application Form
Applications are due August 16th, 2024.
Student Awards
In addition, the NAPEGG Education Foundation provides:
- Two geoscience awards with $1,000 prizes for best oral presentation and poster by a student during the NWT Nunavut Chamber of Mines Annual Geoscience Forum; and
- Up to $3,000 for a student to attend and present their research findings at each Territorial Forum/Symposium, in memory of Craig Finnigan, P.Geo.
To learn more, please contact
30 by 30 Initiative
NAPEG and the NAPEGG Education Foundation proudly support Engineers Canada’s 30 by 30 initiative, which aims to increase the representation of women within engineering to 30 percent by the year 2030. NAPEG’s champion is Elaine Gillespie, P.Eng., and she represents the Northwest Territories and Nunavut while working with others to improve the experience for women in engineering, including sharing and applying best practices, collecting metrics, and considering new policies that support the increased participation and retention of women engineers.
About Us